The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Bike Signage Survey

Please complete this survey on bicycle signage for roads and trails:

It’s a little long — they say 12 minutes. But your honest input is needed to help choose the best signage for the the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the national standard for traffic signs and road markings.

Your participation in this survey is requested by Jeff Miller, President and CEO of the Thunderhead Alliance for Biking and Walking; and
Donald Meeker of Meeker & Associates, representing the Society for Environmental Graphic Design.

Please complete this survey ASAP, as the results must be tallied by Wednesday, Jan. 7.

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  • Hello,

    I am an intern for the city of Pittsburgh Planning department, and we are looking to find the best way to mark route signage for bike routes in Pittsburgh. I am interested in learning how you designed the survey, and if you would be willing to share it with us. Please let me know via email at Thanks!

  • Cheryl: This study wasn’t ours, we were just helping to distribute it. I think I originally got it from someone at East Coast Greenway. But as stated above, Jeff Miller of Thunderhead and Donald Meeker of Meeker & Associates were behind it. So look them up. The Thunderhead email list (your organization should belong) is the perfect venue for questions like yours, which come up every day and are often answered in minutes. To answer it here though, you can see by the URL that the survey was from Surveymonkey, a service that allows anyone to create a web survey.