The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Act Now to Ensure Bike-Ped Funding in Federal Transportation Bill

The Alliance for Biking and Walking is asking everyone to contact their US congressman or congresswoman now, to ensure that bike-ped funding is included in the next federal transportation funding bill.

From the Alliance’s Jeremy Grandstaff:

Prioritize bicycling and walking in the Next Federal Transportation Funding Bill

Congress is writing a bill that will define our national transportation system for the next 6 years and we need your help to make sure that your Member of Congress weighs in on the transportation bill to support bicycling and walking.

Representative Daniel Lipinski (D, IL) is circulating a “Dear Colleague” letter proposing that the upcoming Transportation Bill, which is currently being drafted by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee (T&I), promotes and funds alternate transportation options. Representative Lipinski is asking his colleagues in the House of Representatives to join him in a call for increased federal funding for bicycling and pedestrian programs.

We are thankful for Congressman Lipinski’s efforts on behalf of cyclists nationwide and urge you to contact your Representative to ask them to join Mr. Lipinski and lend their voice to this important debate.

Please click here to contact your Representatives office today and urge them to sign onto Congressman Lipinski’s policy letter today.

In a subsequent message the Alliance has asked that we engage members of the Congressional Bike Caucus. There are three in Virginia:

  • Bob Goodlatte, District 6
  • James Moran, District 8
  • Rick Boucher, District 9

If you are a constituent of any of these representatives, please contact their office to urge support of bike-ped funding in the next transportation bill.

VBF asks bike clubs throughout Virginia to help spread the word to their members.

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