The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Bike Facilities in the I-66 Corridor Improvement Project — Attend These Public Meetings

Map: I-66 Corridor Improvement Project -- I-495 to Haymarket

VDOT is in the process of upgrading I-66 as a multimodal corridor, along a 25-mile stretch from The Beltway (I-495) to Haymarket. The Custis Trail already runs along I-66 through Arlington. Why not extend it westward, all the way to Haymarket?

According to VDOT’s own Policy for Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations and State Bicycle Policy Plan, bicycling should be included in such projects. So let’s hold them to it. Please attend the upcoming series of public meetings, and submit your comments.

Ask VDOT to include a multi-use trail along the I-66 Corridor.  Submit your own comments, or use WABA’s ready made form.

Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling has taken the lead in advocating for this. But like I-66 itself, the Custis and W&OD trails, it’s important to all Virginians, and Washington area residents.

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  • During the VDOT I66 Corridor meeting last night, VDOT project chief, Susan Shaw, said that they will have bicycling/trail options that follow the corridor for review at the May 2015 public meetings. VDOT did cite the success of the Custis Trail as a reason to consider a parallel trail in this project.