The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Bicycling-Friendly Legislators Receive Awards

With much gratitude, the Virginia Bicycling Federation has presented Bicycling Friendly Awards to our top supporters during the 2015 legislative session. If you are a constituent of any of these legislators, please send them a note of thanks as well!

Champe Burnley, Del. Bill DeSteph,, and Bud Vye.

Del. Bill DeSteph, patron of HB 1348, “Following (Bicycles) Too Closely”

Champe Burnley and Del. Jim LeMunyon

Del. Jim LeMunyon, member of House Transportation Committee and Subcommittee 2 supported all of our bills during this session.

Bud Vye, Del. Betsy Carr, Champe Burnley

Del. Betsy Carr, member of House Transportation Committee and Subcommittee 2 has supported all of our bills since she has been in the legislature.

Champe Burnley and Sen. Ken Alexander

Sen. Ken Alexander, member of Senate Transportation Committee and patron of SB781, “OK to Cross the Double Yellow Line to Pass People on Bikes”

Champe Burnley, Sen. Bryce Reeves, Bud Vye

Sen. Bryce Reeves, co-patron of “OK to Cross the Double Yellow Line to Pass People on Bikes” (SB1228, combined with SB781)

Champe Burnley, Sen. Rosalyn Dance, Bud Vye

Sen. Rosalyn Dance, co-patron of a bill to preserve lane-mile funding for cities and towns when lanes are converted to bike lanes (for road diets)

Del. Manoli Loupassi receives Bicycling Friendly Award - with Tom Bowden (R) and Bud Vye (L)

Del. Manoli Loupassi, patron of HB 1402, “Preserving Lane-Mile Based Funding for Lanes Converted to Bike Lanes (Road Diets)”

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