The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Bicycling Friendly Award Order Forms Available

VBF Bicycling Friendly Recognition Award decal

If you’ve seen this decal pictured at the right, here’s what it’s about.

For several years now, VBF’s has offered the Bicycling Frendly Award for our members to give to businesses, organizations, and indviduals in their communities who have made special efforts to support bicyclists and bicycling. We finally have a page up to explain the award, and the process, along with the downloadable forms and templates.

Response to these awards has been terrific. Business owners have been very pleased with the show of gratitude and the publicity. The good PR goes all around to include the bike club giving the award.

Please encourage your bike club to give these awards to those in your community who deserve it. RABA has issued 31 Bicycling Friendly Awards so far, the BRBC in Roanoke a bunch, with a few more scattered around the state. We’d like to see a lot more. Please note the new link in our navigation, and visit the Bicycling Friendly Award page.

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