The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Bicycle Friendly States 2010: Virginia Ranks 18th

League of American Bicyclists' Bicycle Friendly State logo

The League of American Bicyclists has announced their Bicycle Friendly State rankings for 2010. Virginia now ranks 18th, up from 23rd.

Three states have been awarded the Bicycle Friendly State designation and three states received an Honorable Mention – Oregon (Silver), Delaware (Bronze), New Jersey (Bronze), Florida (Honorable Mention), Maryland (Honorable Mention) and Massachusetts (Honorable Mention).

Here are the categories in which states are evaluated, and how Virginia is ranked in each:

6th in Legislation

3rd in Policies & Programs

6th in Infrastructure

22nd in Education & Encouragement

22nd in Evaluation & Planning

50th in Enforcement

We’re still awaiting details of these rankings, and we’ll report that information when we get it. But being dead last in “Enforcement” means that we definitely have some work to do!

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  • Virginia may have moved up in the national standings, but its rank on enforcement was 50th. What’s down with that?

  • In NOVA, Fairfax County; you rarely see cops on the side of the road performing any form of traffic enforcement. The only time I see a cop is when they are speeding down the road and not fully stopping at stop signs along with the rest of the traffic.
    — First, Police need to obey driving laws when they are on patrol. Police need to become better Role Models with increased Integrity (Integrity: do whats right even when no one is looking.)
    — Second, Police need to increase enforcement of the driving laws.