The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Bicycle Action Day Recap

While we’re working on a full-blown blog post for Bicycle Action Day, I want to take a moment and give a very special thanks to everyone that helped or was a part of Bicycle Action Day. As many of you know, this was our (RideRichmond’s) first attempt at organizing such an event, and my first time visiting the GA.

Special thanks to Champe and Tom, who spoke at the Press Conference. To Sheryl for attending action day and Bud for being at the House Transportation Committee hearing tonight. Thanks to Matt, Allen, and Mark as well for providing insight and positions to take with the legislators.

Senators Reeves and Petersen, as well as Delegate Lopez all attended the press conference.

Richmond legislative aides constituents met with:

  1. Senator Marsh
  2. Senator McEachin
  3. Delegate Carr
  4. Delegate Loupassi
  5. Delegate McClellan
  6. Delegate McQuinn

Legislative aides we thanked for their Senators/Delegates support:

  1. Senator McDougle
  2. Senator Petersen
  3. Senator Reeves
  4. Senator Vogel
  5. Delegate Keam
  6. Delegate Lopez
  7. Delegate Ed Scott

A number of legislators stopped for a photo opportunity with cyclists, we’ll be sure to include those in our post.

Delegate Loupassi’s aide quizzed the heck out of me, but I kept up and in the end she seemed very happy. She noted that Lanie was killed in Loupassi’s district, and Daniel Pritchett introduced himself as her boyfriend and said how important this legislation is. Delegate Lopez noted that of the 10 cycling deaths in the Commonwealth last year, 8 were from behind. This should help with SB1060. Delegate McClellan’s aide was very helpful, and we found out that Delegate Ed Scott voted against HB1950 because he didn’t want to discourage cyclists from coming to the Tour of Madison due to his interpretation that drafting would be illegal. His aide was pleased to hear SB1060 alleviated that.

Thanks to all for their support! Let’s keep building on the energy next year!

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