The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Video: Avoiding the Door Zone

This video does a great job showing just how far out into the roadway we need to ride, to avoid being “doored.” Please share it!

The instructor in this video is Preston Tyree, head of education (Smart Cycling, formerly BikeEd) for the League of American Bicyclists.

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  • More reason why we need separated cycle tracks like in Holland. Why can’t we do that?

  • So-called cycle tracks (aka sidepaths) are often plagued with serious safety, mobility, operations/maintenance, and right-of-way problems.

    Separated bikeways greatly increase conflicts and crashes between bicyclists and motor vehicles at intersections (cross streets, driveways, and alleys), the location of ca. 80% of car-bike crashes in urban areas, and reducing such crash hazards to “acceptable” levels typically requires greater delays for both bicyclists and motorists. Even with adequate design and construction, separated bikeways require increased ongoing surface maintenance, such as sweeping, and restrict the ability of bicyclists to execute turns and access destinations along the street. In addition, cycle tracks require more physical space than properly designed bike lanes (much less door-zone bike lanes) so if the government can only find space for door-zone bike lanes, it can’t provide proper cycle tracks..

    Most importantly, sidepaths and cycle tracks undermine the access rights of competent bicyclists to travel safely and effectively on the roadway as equal drivers of vehicles. Bicycling with traffic as a integrated driver of a vehicle is neither difficult nor dangerous. Rather, it’s an easy skill that nearly all bicyclists can acquire to ride safely and efficiently under nearly all traffic conditions.

    Bicyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles. Bad bike lane implementations are a poor rationale for separated bikeways.