The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Ashland-to-Petersburg “Fall Line Trail” Officially Named As Construction Starts

It was a rare day, certainly not unprecedented in the past 20 years but especially welcome in 2020, to have the Governor join about a dozen state legislators and local electeds from around the region, Secretary Valentine, and staff from VDOT, TPO, and localities to rename the Ashland to Petersburg Trail to the Fall Line and break ground on the almost completed northern section, the Ashland Trolley Line.

Secretary Valentine announced $3.7mil in funding from Transportation Alternatives approved just two days ago by the Commonwealth Transportation Board to bring the total investment to date to reportedly $5.7mil inclusive of previous planning efforts.

It promises to be an energetic time for trails around Virginia for the next few years as we start to build some of this stuff out!

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