The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Anthem Moonlight Ride

Anthem Moonlight Ride

Come howl at the moon and celebrate the joy of cycling at night! The Anthem Moonlight Ride is presented by Richmond’s Sportsbackers, and sponsored by Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield, along with VCU Medical Center.

The ride begins on Saturday, August 17 at 8pm, with two course options, an 8-mile “Half Moon” course, and a 17-mile “Full Moon” course, both through downtown Richmond.  Also featured are the Blue Moon costume and tacky light contest, Agee’s after-ride party with pizza, ice cream, and soft drink or Blue Moon beer, and live music by The Good Birds.  Proceeds will benefit BikeWalk RVA.

For more information and to register, see SportsBackers’ event page and the Moonlight Ride Facebook Page.

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  • Over 2000 riders participated in the Anthem ride. The weather held – despite threats of rain – and the event was a blast.

    Thanks to all the sponsors, riders and volunteers.

  • I loved the ride and responded to the followup survey. However I wanted to add a comment. I found the Monument Avenue leg of the ride crowded and unsettling because people seemed impatient. They passed in unsafe ways, crowding other riders. This was troubling, given that the second lane was open to traffic. Perhaps the planners can address this next year.