The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Another City Passes Bike Harassment Ordinance

The Columbia,  Missouri City Council unanimously passed an ordinance on June 16, which will impose penalties of $1000 or a year of jail time for harassing cyclists.   The law was modeled after similar laws in South Carolina and Colorado.

The ordinance covers anyone who:

  • Throws an object at or in the direction of a cyclist,
  • Threatens  a cyclist,
  • Frightens or disturbs the cyclist,
  • Sounds a horn with the intention to frighten or disturb a cyclist,
  • Knowingly placing a cyclist in the path of physical injury, or
  • Knowingly engaging in conduct that creates a risk of death or serious physical injury for a cyclist.

The ordinance passed with plans to amend it at the July 20 City Council meeting where council members plan to amend it to  include other types of pedestrian traffic. 

More details can be found here:

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