The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Annual Meeting — Elect Our Board & Officers

Update: congratulations to new board members Tom Bowden, Michael Gilbert, Beth Lohman, and Joe Morgan. Many thanks and best wishes to departing board members Barbara Duerk, Gary Duerk, and Bill Hart. The new board will elect officers for 2012 at our Fall Retreat, Nov. 11-13. Join us then — help strategize for the upcoming legislative session.

As promised, the Virginia Bicycling Federation will hold our annual meeting during the Heart of Virginia Bike Festival on Saturday, Sept. 17, 4pm, at the YMCA in Ashland. Come ride the Heart of Virginia, then join us to help elect our 2012 board and officers.

Currently we have 11 board members, drawn from all aspects of bicycling. Three or four will probably be leaving, and we have four candidates to replace them:

  • Michael Gilbert (Richmond and northern VA)
  • Joe Morgan (Norfolk)
  • Beth Lohman (Blacksburg)
  • Tom Bowden (Richmond)

(If you think you should be on this list and you’re not, contact Bruce or Champe immediately.) Any member may cast a vote, or run for a board position.

We’ll also discuss our strategy for the 2012 legislative session, and plan our upcoming fall retreat (Nov. 12-13 at Sophia House).

RSVP to Champe if you want to, or just show up. You can even join on the spot. Bring us your issues, and your ideas. All are welcome!

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