The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Awards Reception, Alliance for Biking & Walking

Advocate of the Year Award 2009, Alliance for Biking and Walking

Last night the Alliance for Biking & Walking had its Bike Summit reception at the Elephant & Castle in Washington DC, where the 2009 Advocacy Awards were presented.

As we announced yesterday, our own Bud Vye was named Advocate of the Year for 2009.  No write-up of the reception (yet) but we do have a couple of pictures:

VBF Board members Allen Muchnik, Barbara Duerk, Chris Scott, & Bud Vye with Bud's Advocate of the Year Award plaqueVBF Board members Allen Muchnick, Barbara Duerk, Chris Scott and Bud Vye with Bud’s award

Bud Vye tells tales from the trenchesAdvocate of the Year Lloyd J. “Bud” Vye tells tales from the trenches

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