The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Alexandria Relaxes Sidewalk Cycling Ordinance

Sidewalk cycling in Alexandria, VA.

Alexandria Times photo.

Jonathan Krall writes:

“The new bicycle ordinance for Alexandria was approved 7-0! As Mayor Euille said, this was a non-controversial issue that somehow became controversial. As in the rest of Virginia, bicycle riding is now legal on sidewalks in Alexandria except where prohibited. Sidewalk riding is prohibited on King east of West St and on Union between Cameron and Prince.

Our thanks go out to all who wrote in, to all who advocated for it, especially Bruce Dwyer (who put in some years work on this) and Randy Cole (who told a good story about getting a ticket for sidewalk riding with his children), to City Staff for crafting the new ordinance and getting it through the process and to City Council for voting for it.”

While it makes sense to not allow riding on narrow and crowded downtown sidewalks — such as on King Street — all cyclists, ages 8 to 80, should feel comfortable riding to these areas to enjoy them.

Isn’t this village lifestyle why we choose to live in places like Alexandria?

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