The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Afton Cookie Lady Receives Gift From RABA

It seems that most people who have ridden Bike 76 through Virginia have heard of the Cookie Lady. June Curry of Afton has been providing fresh baked cookies to cyclists on Afton Mountain for over 30 years. Her hospitality efforts grew into a hostel known as the Bike House, the inside of which is plastered with photos, postcards, jerseys, and other memorabilia left by cyclists from all over the world who have stopped there.

But at 87 years old, running a hostel is a challenge!

So last Sunday, some cyclists from the Richmond Area Bicycling Association presented June Curry with a check for the donations they had been collecting, to show their appreciation and to help further her cause.

Bike touring blog Biking Bis covered the event.

WVTF, our local National Public Radio station, was also there, and did a nice 3 minute radio piece on the Cookie Lady(mp3).

Unfortunately, the future of the Bike House is uncertain. VBF is working on setting up a donation page, to help raise money to keep the Bike House going.

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