The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Advocate of the Year: Champe Burnley!

Our president, Champe Burnley, was in for a surprise last week when he attended the National Bike Summit in Washington, D.C. The League of American Bicyclists named him the Advocate of the Year.

According to the League, “This award goes to a leader of a bicycling and/or walking advocacy organization who has shown tireless commitment to promoting bicycling and walking in his/her state/community. This person goes above and beyond the call of duty to transform his/her state/community into a great place for biking and walking. His or her time, knowledge, creativity, and commitment are the highest standard of excellence exemplifying a role model for peers.”

That describes Champe, who has devoted countless hours to promote bicycling in Virginia.

This is not the first time the Virginia Bicycling Federation has been honored. In 2009, Lloyd J. “Bud” Vye received Advocate of the Year recognition. The Virginia Bicycling Federation is the only organization with two Advocacy of the Year recipients!


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  • Congratulations to my friend and fellow cycling nut, Champe Burnley! He really does give selflessly to the cause. Proud to know you, Champe!

    Anne Fleischmann