The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Action Alert: Support HB1342 & HB1402 in Senate Transpo Committee by Wed. Morning

These bills have already been passed by the House.  They stand a good chance of becoming law if we can get them through the Senate Transportation Committee, which meets mid-afternoon on Wednesday.  

Especially if your senator is listed below, please email or call their office by Wednesday morning, and ask them to support these bills.  

Bud Vye writes:

A big docket in Senate Transportation Committee tomorrow after lunch includes our two House bills that have passed the House and Crossed Over to the Senate —

HB 1342 Del DeSteph’s “Following Too Closely”

& HB 1402 Del. Loupassi’s “Maintenance Reimbursement for Lanes that are used for Bike Lanes or Bus Rapid Transit” (preserves maintenance funding based on lane-miles when road diets are implemented)

Northern Virginia folks should contact Senators…

  • Marsden 804 698 7537 or, Colgan 804 698 7529 or,
  • Favola 804 698 7531 or and
  • Wexton 804 698-7533 or

…(particularly if they are YOUR Senators) and ask them to SUPPORT these bills tomorrow afternoon.

Similarly, Hampton Roads folks should contact Senators…

  • Wagner 804 698 7507 or,
  • McWaters 804 698 7508 or,
  • Alexander 804 698 7505 or district,
  • & Cosgrove 804 698 7514 or

…and ask their support.

Also on the Committee from around the state are Senators…

  • Newman (Lynchburg) 698-7523 or,
  • Deeds (Charlottesville) 804 698 7525 or,
  • Smith (Roanoke) 804 698 7519 or &
  • Edwards (Roanoke) 804 698 7521 or

Stay with us! We’re making progress and we can see the finish line for these bills if we can clear this hurdle tomorrow.

Bud Vye

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