The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Act Now For Better Bicycling In National Parks

After decades of burdensome restrictions, cyclists may finally have better access to trails in our National Park system. A proposed rule change at the National Park Service (NPS) will make it easier for individual parks to open trails to bicyclists. But to ensure that it happens this way, it is important that you submit your comments now.

IMBA has taken the lead on this, putting up a page about the issue with links to their own analysis of the proposed NPS rule change, the entire text of RIN 1024-AD72, and of course, a link to submit your comments. Custom-written letters are preferred. IMBA has provided 8 points for mountain bikers to use in writing their letters.

But while IMBA has focused on mountain biking, VBF reminds everyone that this proposed rule change affects bicycling on all roads and paved trails in National Parks too. NPS has not been as supportive of bicycling as we would like them to be — particularly in Virginia, where their jurisdiction includes the Blue Ridge Parkway and the George Washington Parkway, Shenandoah National Park, many other parks and National Monuments, and all the roads and trails within.

Please submit your comments by February 17.

As with all action alerts, please forward this to your mailing lists, and share it in social media.

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  • I urge the support of regulations that grant increased access for both mountain biking and road biking within all National Parks in Virginia. I have increased my usage of National Forest land by 500% in the past two years and urge all to allow increased usage of road and mountain bikes on National Park trails and roads.