The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

ACCT Seeks Executive Director

The Alliance for Community Choice in Transportation (ACCT) is a regional nonprofit organization, founded in 2001 and located in Charlottesville, Virginia. ACCT is dedicated to promoting balanced transportation choices, sustainable land use and transit-oriented development through education and leadership. ACCT develops and coordinates community-based programs and policy initiatives that strive to improve the quality of life and inspire active living.

Job Description

The Executive Director, in a part-time position starting at 20 hours a
week, will be responsible for duties in the following areas:

1. Executive Management:

The Executive Director will work closely with the board to develop action plans and manage operations. They will work with staff to manage the financial and legal responsibilities of the organization, and carry out any other tasks and responsibilities assigned by the board.

2. Grant-Writing, Member-Recruitment and Fundraising:

The Executive Director will work with the board, staff and volunteers to develop a fundraising strategy that will result in raising funds from individual donors and foundations.

3. Communication, Outreach and Coalition-Building:

The Executive Director will maintain and develop strategic partnerships
with other organizations, agencies and groups, speak at public meetings, and help publicize ACCT activities, programs, and goals.

4. Staff Recruitment and Oversight:

The Executive Director will manage all staff and interns for ACCT, overseeing and supporting staff’s efforts to deliver quality, successful programs.


Candidate must have experience with nonprofit organizations and grant-writing and must have a strong interest in and aptitude for fund-raising. The candidate must also have a passion for biking, walking, and transit, and must possess strong leadership and entrepreneurial skills.

ACCT is an equal opportunity employer. Minorities and women are
encouraged to apply.


The Executive Director will be based in ACCT’s offices located on the
Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Salary & Benefits

Benefits are available. Salary for this position will be commensurate with experience and skills.

How to Apply

Email resume and cover letter to:

Leonard Schoppa
ACCT Board President

Position closes on May 15, 2009.

Alliance for Community Choice in Transportation
Safe Routes to School
P.O.Box 1582
Charlottesville, VA
tel/fax: (434)295-6554

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