The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

A Successful Harrisonburg-Rockingham Bike Summit

Harrisonburg-Rockingham Bike Summit 2013 logo

Perhaps in the shadow of the Fairfax Bike Summit, Harrisonburg and Rockingham County had a successful bike summit last month, jointly sponsored by the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition and the Harrisonburg-Rockginham MPO. Harrisonburg’s Thanh Dang did a great write-up for SVBC, so we’ll let you read about it there.

Did you know? Harrisonburg is a Bronze Bicycle Friendly Community and its James Madison University a Bronze Bicycle Friendly University. A mountain bike mecca, Harrisonburg is also an IMBA Ride Center, one of only 11 in the world at this writing.

All of this is largely due to the work of the SVBC, a remarkable group in how they’ve pulled together road and mountain bikers, transportation and recreational riders, and the university. These hard-working advocates were a strong presence at the 2013 National Bike Summit. They definitely deserve your attention and support, especially if you live or ride in the area.

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