The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

A Small Success & A Big Disappointment…

…as HB82 “don’t follow non-motorized vehicles more closely than is reasonable and prudent” was Passed by Indefinitely in the Senate Transportation Committee this afternoon.

Several Committee members were out of the room, and we will have to wait to see how the vote is posted on the website. Since it was a voice vote, that may be all that is stated. I believe I heard the Chairman say that there were four No votes (in favor of the bill), which would have been Favola, Colgan, Marsden (all Northern VA D’s) plus one other, perhaps Chairman Deeds himself.

Here’s the vote (this is on a motion to TABLE THE BILL so a YEA is a vote AGAINST):

  • YEAS–Deeds, Marsh, Newman, Watkins, Puckett, Smith, Miller, Carrico, Alexander–9.
  • NAYS–Wagner, Marsden, McWaters, Colgan, Favola–5.

Sen. Carrico kept his 100% record intact of voting against ANY bicycling safety legislation by vigorously speaking in opposition to the bill, primarily along the lines of “Bicycles move so slowly along rural roads, that when cars come upon them, they have to slow down, and then it takes them longer in the other lane at slower speed in order to get past the bicycle.” None of that really had anything to do with this blll which pertains to Following too closely, and not passing.

Since it is almost impossible in these meetings to rebut, or debate, unless asked to by the Chair or the Senator asking the question, assertions like this, even if illogical, often have to go unanswered.

One piece of good news, as expected, HB 542, the bill which will permit the wearing of a mask outdoors, as long as you do not appear to have the “intent to conceal your identity” received final passage in the Senate today by a 40-0 vote.

Now we have our final two bills, “3 ft. passing” & “Don’t open your vehicle door into moving traffic”, which will be heard in House Transportation Sub 2 on Monday morning at 7 a.m.  (If you haven’t written to your legislators about these bills, please do so now.)

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