The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

2013 Board & Officers, Legislative Strategy, Bylaw Changes, and a Productive Meeting

The Virginia Bicycling Federation held our annual fall meeting last Sat., Nov. 17, at the War Memorial in Richmond. There were four major items on the agenda: some changes to our bylaws, election of the 2013 board and officers, planning our legislative strategy for the 2013 General Assembly, and planning our overall organization strategy.

The major bylaw change was extending term limits for officers to 5 years from 3. Minor changes involved specifying how officers could be removed if necessary, fixing inconsistencies, and clarifying language in general.

Our maximum number of board members is now set at 25, so anyone doing great work for bicycling in Virginia can lend a hand in steering the statewide effort.

We elected a board of 19.  Congratulations to the 2013 VBF board and officers:

Champe Burnley, President, Richmond

Tom Bowden, Vice President, Richmond

Bud Vye,  Treasurer & Advocacy Director, Henrico County

Sheryl Finucane, Secretary, Caroline County

Matt O’Toole, Suburban DC

Joe Morgan, Norfolk

Allen Muchnick, Arlington

Chris Scott, Harrisonburg

Terry Dorn, Fredericksburg

Michael Gilbert, Richmond

Scott Cramer, Norfolk

Bill Conoscenti, Virginia Beach

Mark Blacknell, Northern Virginia

Wayland Hundley, Richmond

Greg Rollins, Richmond

Stephanie Weber, Williamsburg

Stan Huie, Fredericksburg

Brantley Tyndall, Richmond

Nicole Capella, Blacksburg

Mark Blacknell is also president of WABA.  Sharing board members is a great help for our organizations working together.  We’ve traditionally shared a board member with Bike Virginia:  Tom Bowden now fills that role.  Joe Morgan is our liason with the East Coast Greenway.  As a past president of Richmond MORE, Greg Rollins is a bridge to a well-organized mountain bike community, in addition to Chris Scott, with his connection to IMBA.

As much of our work involves law, we’re fortunate to now have three attorneys on our board:  Tom Bowden, Wayland Hundley, and Mark Blacknell.

What laws will we work on in 2013?  Here’s what we think will find patrons, and that we will push for:

  • Following too close — banning motorists from tailgating/intimidating cyclists
  • Three feet to pass cyclists (current law is two feet)
  • Vulnerable road user protection, and/or due care

In addition, we will continue to oppose hunting on Sundays (currently and traditionally banned), and distracted driving measures such as cell phone restrictions.

The last part of our meeting was an organization strategy session, led by DCR’s Bill Conkle, who works with Jennifer Wampler on Virginia’s Outdoor Plan.

DCR's Bill Conkle leads organization strategy planning session

DCR’s Bill Conkle leads organization strategy session

Some of the best ideas came from regular members, and non-members:  RideRichmond’s Amy George, Roanoke bike advocate Andrea Garland, greenway wonk Mark Endries and his son from Chesterfield, Goochland’s Mollie Lennarz, and recent Michigan transplant Scott Anderson.  Departing board member Dave Walsh was also in attendance.

Thanks to everyone who came!  Your ideas and energy are very valuable to us.

Our next get-together will probably be a meeting the day before Lobby Day, Martin Luther King Day weekend, to prepare for the General Assembly.  Look for that announcement.  We hope to see you there!

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