The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

2011 Virginia Cross-State Ride — Kentucky Too!

Bike 76 in Virginia Pin - awarded to those who ride all of USBR 76 in Virginia

Bike 76 in Virginia Pin - awarded to those who ride all of USBR 76 in Virginia

COME RIDE WITH US! Cycle Virginia then Kentucky! The Virginia Bicycling Federation is championing the 35th Anniversary of US Bike Route 76!

Goals include:

  • Promoting US Bike Routes
  • Promoting the 35th anniversary of US Bike Route 76
  • Distributing the Virginia governor’s bike month proclamation in Virginia
  • Presenting the Virginia governor’s bike month proclamation to a representative for the governor of Kentucky
  • Document the ridership of bicyclists on the 76 route by encouraging sign in books at specific locations across the state
  • Accumulate comments and tourism data from VBF pin request forms
  • Encouraging promotion of US Bike Route, Trans America Bicycle Trail, in Kentucky and across the United States
  • Encouraging the presentation of the Kentucky governor’s bike month proclamation to Kentucky localities and/or cycling organizations
  • Have our proclamation travel by bicycle to Astoria, OR on the TransAmerica Bicycle Route.

A group of dedicated, passionate bicyclists, coordinated by Virginia Bicycling Federation board member Barbara Duerk, have worked since 2003 to promote interstate bicycle route(s) in Virginia. The Virginia Department of Transportation signed US Bike Route in 1976. In 2010, Cross State ride leader Joe Morgan facilitated an extensive review of 76 route signage. Recommendations were presented to VDOT construction districts. Most of the suggestions have been implemented.

The Virginia Cross State Ride incorporates carrying the Governor’s bike month proclamation, issued on May 1 each year. Localites along the 570 miles of the 76 route, favorite country stores and businesses post the proclamation. Tourism dollars are recognized as economic development, especially in the smaller, rural areas where the route is located. There is a Pre-ride this year on a proposed route connecting Virginia Beach – the Atlantic Ocean – to the current eastern terminus of the TransAmerica Bicycle Route at Yorktown Victory Monument. The VA Cross State Ride from Yorktown to Kentucky is from April 30th to May 7. In 2011, is coordinating the Cross State Ride. Cyclists who cycle the 570 miles of US Bike Route 76, the Adventure Cycling Trans America Bicycle Trail, can earn a pin provided by the Virginia Bicycling Federation.

The Kentucky portion of the trip is May 8 – 17. The 10 day, 507 miles in Kentucky, is on the softer side. Daily miles are reasonable. The trip is supported with a van.

For more information, contact Barbara Duerk.

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  • URGENT PLEASE HELP- my son is alone; and got stuk in flood- his tent was wreked- he wasnt helped by dept transportion at all-
    – he finaly made it to highway-50-
    how will he conect to TRANS AMERICA TRAIL- FROM 50?
    im disabled and we dont own pc’
    im at library now waitin for youre map-
    please EMAIL ONLY map of the TRANS AMERICA TRAIL from highway 50 in ilinois going to kentucky and evantuly to virginia


    WILL HE have to pick up trail in somewhere around slaughter kentucky to get on the transa america trail?

    I CANT OPeN a PDF-
    MY SON cant cary laptop

    he can only view MAP ON EMAIL MESAGE ONLY on a small cell phone-

    also send list of all camping-parks us parks + phones along highway 5o and along the way of transamerica trail
    i have no pc at home