The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

2010 Virginia Cross-State Ride

Each year VBF sponsors the Cross-State Ride to raise awareness of US Bike Routes 1 and 76, and to promote bicycle-oriented tourism in Virginia. This year we’ll be riding Bike 76, from Breaks Interstate Park on the Kentucky border, to Chickahominy Riverfront Park in Yorktown. It will be a 2-week tour with sagged camping.

As always, you’re encouraged to join us for any portion of the tour. We especially like day riders to join us as we ride through your area. Please try to schedule a ride-along ride for your bike club! Note the weekend side trip May 15-16 on the Virginia Creeper Trail, also a great chance for you to join us.

We haven’t finalized everything, but here’s the itinerary, as of April 19:

Day Date Depart Arrive Mileage
Friday May 13 Rideshare rendezvous in Tidewater, Richmond, Charlottesville, Roanoke, & New River Valley Breaks Interstate Park 0
Saturday May 14 Breaks Interstate Park Elk Creek, Russel County 51
Saturday May 15 Elk Creek, Russel Couny Damascus – Trail Days 35
Sat-Sun May 15-16 Virginia Creeper Trail Option 34-60
Sunday May 16 Damascus – Trail Days Cedar Springs Fish Farm 46
Monday May 17 Cedar Springs Fish Farm Foster Falls State Park via New River Trail 36 via NRT
Tuesday May 18 Foster Falls or Fort Chiswell Claytor Lake State Park via New River Trail or Bike 76 32 (Bike 76) or 42 (NRT)
Wednesday May 19 Claytor Lake State Park (with Wildwood Park option in Radford or Huckleberry Trail option via Blacksburg) Catawba – Roanoke Valley – Catawba Valley General Store, camping or homestays 50-70
Thursday May 20 Roanoke Valley (layover day) Camp Bethel 28 on Bike76
Friday May 21 Camp Bethel South River Mallard Duck Campground 50 on Bike76
Saturday May 22 South River Mallard Duck Campground Sherando Lake NFS or Misty Mountain Camp Resort at Greenwood 50
Sunday May 23 Misty Mountain Camp Resort at Greenwood Alexander House, Charlottesville 25
Monday May 24 Alexander House, Charlottesville Mineral Fire Dept. 56
Tuesday May 25 Mineral Fire Dept. Ashland Americamp or Richmond Area 48 (Bike76) or 68 (Bike1)
Wednesday May 26 Ashland Americamp or Richmond Area Chickahominy Riverfront Park 50
Thursday May 27 Chickahominy Riverfront Park Yorktown with return to Chickahominy Riverfront Park optional 28-56
Friday May 28 Chickahominy Riverfront Park mileage range 581-734 total

Contact Information:, (804) 441-1646; or Barbara Duerk,, (540) 343-1616.

Terrain: “mountains to the sea” terrain includes significant climbs and some smooth trail or gravel surfaces, so triple chain ring and multi-surface tires are advisable.

Total Mileage: 570+ along Bike 76 TransAmerica Bicycle Trail route.

Daily mileage planned at about 50 miles with options for side routes of scenic and historical interest estimated to total 800+ miles

Daily Activities: tours of scenic / historic attractions; promotional visits to local tourism, recreation organizations; and “See and Smell the Virginia Blossoms”

Participation Options: complete ride, weekly, daily

Accommodations: camping / hostels / home stays

SAG: Support vehicle for luggage and gear, with shared rides from Hampton Roads, driving and route patrolling to 5 PM daily

Shared costs of fuel, camp / hostel rentals, meals in Richmond, Charlottesville, and Roanoke

Download a copy of this page to print out and pass around.

We’ll update this page as more information becomes available, so keep checking back here.

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  • Please keep us updated on this. I’d love to get in on a leg of the ride close to Richmond, but I’ll surely forget about it without some reminders.


  • I’m interested in the Steeles Tavern to Charlottesville leg (it’s on the weekend). Maybe I can find some other weekend riders from HR who want to carpool out there?

  • Maybe me BC!!

  • Breaks Interstate Park to Richmond. Waiting for more information. Caracas, Venezuela.