The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

2010 VCN Lobby Day & VBF Legislative Meeting

Join the Virginia Bicycling Federation on Monday, Jan. 18, at the Virginia Conservation Network’s Lobby Day, 9am-2pm at the Virginia State Capitol.  Meet your legislators and tell them what you expect from them, as they head into this year’s General Assembly.  This is one of the best opportunities for bike advocates to make headway with statewide issues.

We’ll be having a legislative meeting on Sunday, Jan 17, to prepare for Lobby Day.  All bike advocates and trail advocates are welcome, and encouraged to join us at 3pm at Maria’s Italian Restaurant, 9570 Woodman Road, Richmond, VA 23228-1324.

RSVP to Champe Burnley (804-358-5801,

Be sure to check our Calendar page regularly for advocacy happenings such as this. Not all of them make it into our blog.

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