The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

New Board Members, New Officers for 2010

Virginia Bicycling Federation Logo

We’ll have more news soon about what went on at our Fall Retreat and Winning Campaigns Training. But without further adieu, let’s welcome 3 new additions to our Board of Directors: Bruce Drees from Virginia Beach, Rick Holt from Prince William, and Adam Piceno from Fairfax. We’re now better balanced, with more representation from our major metro areas.

With enough members present and a quorum established, we were able to elect our new officers. For 2010 they will be:

  • Champe Burnley, President
  • Bud Vye, Vice President
  • Allen Muchnick, Treasurer
  • Sheryl Finucane, Secretary

Note: our bylaws are available on request, to any VBF member.

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  • Congradulations Bruce, you go little Brother, sounds like you are truly enjoying getting involved with your biking community and the city to make positive improvements. Love, your big sis, Marlaine

  • Bruce,
    You continue to contribute your time to your group and the people of Virginia. You are a good man to have on my committee and now a board. Looks like you will be getting up earlier to bike!
    Dave Williams Shore Drive Safety Initiative 2009