The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

2008 Governor’s, Park Society, and BikeWalk Conference

For 2008, the Governor’s Conference on Greenways, Blueways, and Trails, the 54th annual Virginia Recreation and Park Society Conference, and the 10th annual BikeWalk Virginia Conference will be merged into one event October 4-7 in Richmond. It will be the largest conference ever held in Virginia focusing on outdoor recreation, trails, and non-motorized transportation. Conference details are available at the BikeWalk Virginia website.

Hollywood on the James

VBF urges all bike advocates to attend, but mostly, to encourage your local officials and staff to attend — especially those from your regional (MPO) planning authorities. There is no better opportunity to network with people from state agencies like DCR and VDOT, to gain knowledge about best practices, and learn how to move your local projects forward.

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