The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

2008 National Bike Summit, Mar. 4-6, Washington DC

The Bikeleague’s National Bike Summit is coming up soon! This year’s theme is “Climbing Capitol Hill.” With so much going on in the Virginia legislature, we haven’t finalized our plans. But rest assured, VBF will be at the Summit! This is a great opportunity for Virginia bike advocates to meet, so please contact us ahead of time if you’re planning to attend.

If you can’t make it to the conference Tuesday evening and Wednesday (it’s pricey for many of us), you can still attend the lobby day on Thursday, to meet with legislators on Capitol Hill. Even without attending the entire conference, there’s still plenty of chance to meet and network with other advocates, as they’ll all be in town.

By registering through IMBA you get $75 off the conference fee, the cheapest ticket in town. So it’s worth it to join IMBA for $25, if you’re not a member already.

Next to Interbike (in Las Vegas), the Summit is the biggest gathering of bike advocates and industry in the US. As Virginians this event is happening right in our backyard — within an hour or two of a third of us. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet and learn from the people who know how to get things done.

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